Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Psalms 5:3 -- On Looking Up

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."
Psalms 5:3

I like the idea of here of looking up.  Looking up is looking toward God, but it is also being aware, and seeing the bright side... not ignoring the darkness, but not being swallowed by it either.  Darkness exists, but God's light overpowers it, and allows us to see the joy in the world around us even through the dark times.  Optimism isn't a naive viewpoint when it is centered in God--it is faith in action, put to the test and applied to our lives, no matter our struggles.  Knowing God *is* joy, and love, and hope.

Let's look up to God, and raise our voices to him in the morning and at all times, seeing (and being) the good in the world around us, and nurturing it wherever we find it.

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