Saturday, August 19, 2017

Proverbs 1:10 -- On Not Consenting to Sin

"My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not."
Proverbs 1:10

Simple, right?  When we think of sinners enticing us, we often think of kids or teens, because that's when peer pressure hits us hard, and we are hyper-concerned about what other people think, and even when we're out on our own for the first time and are trying to figure out our own way.

Unfortunately, we are enticed even as we age, sometimes from areas we wouldn't expect.  We face ethical challenges at home, in the workplace, in social situations, and even sometimes at church.  It's hard to stand up for what we believe when no one else is standing with us.  It's hard to be in situations where we feel mocked or looked down on for trying to live the right way.

Another thing that is difficult is making sure *we* aren't part of that group that is doing the enticing, either by accidentally triggering others' weaknesses or just through inaction.  It isn't easy to stand up, or stand out, but often when we do, we help other people who are also uncomfortable with the situation.

Bottom line, the verse says it all. We need to make sure that we aren't consenting to bad things.  Today, let's walk away from those sinners.  Especially the ones inside ourselves. :)

1 comment:

  1. Temptations will come but woe to the one who brings it!
    Be the child of light.
    Stay away from the darkness.Lol.


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