Monday, August 21, 2017

3 Nephi 24:2 -- On Abiding the Day

"But who may abide the day of his coming, and who shall stand when he appeareth? For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s soap."
3 Nephi 24:2

This verse (and the almost identical verse in Malachi) is about the second coming of Christ.  The way that it is written it sounds kind of like a rhetorical question.  Who will be able to stand?  Obviously no one.  A refiner's fire is incredibly hot, to separate the pure, precious metal from the lead and dross, and to burn away other impurities, and fuller's soap is incredibly harsh, but it gets out the dirt and the oils so that the fabric is perfectly clean and white.

On one level that sounds super scary and feels like if we aren't perfect, we won't make it through that process.  On the other hand though, I think it is hopeful.  Comparing Christ's coming to refiners and fullers means that we're still at the potential stage.  Both of these processes are things that you do to prepare things... to make them better and get them ready for something great later.  If the analogy were to hospice care or layoffs, then I'd be a little scared.

I think the idea here is that we have to be willing to let go of the dirt and oil and lead and imperfection within ourselves--and that's who will abide, and who will be able to stand.  People who have already allowed God to change them into shiny, pure, clean potential. :)  Today, let's talk to God and let him work on us, and cleanse us.  Let's be willing to let go of the bad parts of ourselves, and become prepared, so that maybe we can enjoy the second coming instead of being scared.

1 comment:

  1. Sure sister;my purpose of me being "Born Again".Ouch!it's my hope.


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